Distance: 23.5 km
Time: 6 - 8 hours
Physical Challenge: Moderate
Trail Challenge: Moderate
Waymarked: No

- Route Map
- Google Map
- Elevation Chart
To download the GPS track, click icon Â

Tourism Police:
Hotline: 117777
What’s App: +962 7 7099 1814
* When contacting Tourism Police for emergency identify that you are hiking the Jordan Trail, state your nationality, location and map name & number.
JTA office: +962 6 461 0999
(Working Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday- Thursday)
From the village a good track goes down into the long valley of Wadi Dana amidst splendid sandstone scenery. Follow it pleasantly down the valley eventually arriving at the award winning Feynan Eco Lodge which is in an area of Roman copper mines. If you are not spending the night there, continue down as the valley opens out, reaching Bedouin camps where camping facilities are available. Roman ruins and copper smelting sites not far away. Good sunset spot.
Important Note:
Before entering Dana Biosphere Reserve, please contact the reserve’s management to pay the entrance fees.
Dana Biosphere Reserve number: 0799111434
From Feynan Ecolodge, a taxi (12.50JD) can be arranged to take you to the Feinan Reception Center; from there, you can try to find private transportation to nearby Gregra village; from here there are daily buses to Amman (6JD) and Aqaba (3JD). Danavillage can be reached by private transport from nearby Tafila or Qadisiya, which have bus connections with Amman and other major towns. Dana Reserve can help arrange a taxi from there.
- Wadi Al Ghweir Camp, Mekhled Al Rashaydeh, +962772325758, JT Pass Stamp Wadi Malaga
- Camp, Ali Al Rashaydeh, +962772465349
- Feynan Ecolodge, +96265850333
- Wild camping, Mohammed Def Allah Al Saghairah, +962799927199, JT Pass Stamp Wadi Malaga
- Wild camping, Ibrahim Al Na'neh, +962772005129, JT Pass Stamp DanaÂ
- Wild camping, Ali Rashaydeh, +962770238170
- Wild Camping, Amjad Ammarin, +962777178370
- Wild camping, Ahmad Atallah Ammarin, +962778701658
- Wild camping, Ali Mohammad Hasasin, +962772320021
- Wild camping, Fawaz Rashaydeh, +962770407075
- Wild Camping, Mohammad Sayel Rashaydeh, +962777545686
- Wild camping, Fayez Rashaydeh, +962770407074
- Wild camping, Ra'ad Ali Rashaydeh, +962772029216
- Wild camping, Ahmad Ra'ad Rashaydeh, +962772129216
- Dana Village ruins
- Dana Biosphere Reserve
- Feynan Ecolodge
- Feynan Village
- Feynan Ruins-Â Khirbet al-Nahas
- Meals available at Feynan lodge
- Dana Village
- Water is available in Feynan and at various springs along the route.
- There is no water at the Wadi Malaqa wild campsite.
- Feynan Ecolodgewill only give water if you are buying their reusable soft bottles (7JD). Bathrooms available at Feynman Ecolodge.
- Most of the day’s walking is in areas with some loose stones, sand and gravel in wadi beds
- If hiking self-supported, camping near the water springs in Wadi Abu Orouq and Wadi Quseib on next stage make a manageable longer combined stage around 27km. Be sure to watch the weather for potential flash flood risks if camping in the wadis.
Safety Info:
- Flash flood dangers – Wadi Abu O’rouq
- Loose footing – Rocky, sandy surfaces and wadi beds
- Dehydration/heat exhaustion – There is very little shade along the stage, but occasional small Acacia trees and rock overhanging the sides of wadis that can provide some shade.
Mobile Phone Coverage: Some coverage at higer areas around kilometer 8, and on top of at the end of the stage in Wadi al-Saif.